Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 338

Ahhhh...the yearly family "self" photoshoot with tripod and camera timer. Slightly maddening, slightly annoying, often argument provoking, but always humorous and entertaining nonetheless. It goes down like this: "guys, go stand over there, no not like that, no over there, no, move over a little bit, ok now don't move (fool with camera for five minutes), guys, seriously stay still, ok, now mommy's coming...wait, here we go (set timer, run to join boys in heeled boots through the grass, and realize I don't know where I'm going to stand), Liam look at the camera, no not at us, no come back, (camera clicks), shit. alright, let's do it again...." This goes on for literally a half an hour until I get one that I'm not frowning and Keegan's eyes aren't closed and Liam is not a complete blur of three year old movement. Oh well, somehow in my mind, they are completely different images so the perfectionist in me suffers, but somehow it doesn't matter because they are pretty cute regardless. Next year, I'm hiring a professional :)

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