Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 84

Guess where I went today?! Clearly, one of the hugest advantages of dropping Liam off at preschool is that I can just shoot over to the local Target, which is less than 5 minutes away!! I remember once recently, Keegan, Liam and I all went to Target on a Sunday . . . 1.5-2 hours later, we packed up the car to drive away and Keegan looks over me and says, "How do you do this everyday with him?!" Exactly. Why do you think I'm so exasperated by the time you come home every night. I mean, he's sweet and he's cute and all, but man....he is hard work even when I'm not setting him loose in Target. Anyway, this has got to be the coolest, nicest, largest Target ever. Palm trees in front (which always makes me think how if there was a Target on Kauai, this would be what it would look like!), cool warehouse building, two stories, escalator AND elevator. Birthday party supplies, new toddler shoes, AND photo of the day complete . . . and all in under 45 minutes. Happy Mommy.

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