Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 65

Even when I go to a location to shoot specifically for the purposes of NOT including my son on this blog, he STILL makes the final cut :) What can I say . . . he rocks my world people so you'll just have to deal with it. One of the many great things about staying home with him is that I can just pick up my camera, throw him in the car, go someplace new and exciting, take photographs, AND entertain him all at the same time . . . all he really needs is some sticks and some dirt (or in this case, a really cool, old horse trailer) and he's happy. This is why much of this blog is ode to him. He is such a good sport. This afternoon at sunset, we went to this weird dog park in Berkeley . . . it's right on a sandy beach on the bay and at the foot of a horse racing stadium so there is QUITE the photo op. Took my wide angle out today for a spin as well which was totally fun and eye opening given that I keep my 50mm f/1.4 on my camera about 99% of the time. I actually uploaded six pictures in the running before finally choosing this one. The other photos are images in the making . . . need some tweaking . . . all I will say is that there is a pedicure in my near future . . . you know . . . all in the name of 365 days!

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