Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 270

On rare occasion, we hit the Burger King for convenience's sake. Liam, of course, learned the term "Happy Meal" pretty quickly. I took him over for lunch this day and I started feeling like totally guilty mom because I swear EVERY toy he has ever received there in the Happy Meal is completely offensive to me and completely inappropriate, in my slightly arrogant opinion, for a three year old. I have asked the employees there at least 3 times if there is another toy available and the only thing I have really ever gotten in return is slightly amused, sarcastic, blank stares. The first time this happened, I explained to Liam that I wasn't very happy about the toy, that I had asked for an alternative to which they had none, that it was a toy for big kids really and that I didn't really think he should play with it. I expected total meltdown or stubborn resistance. On the contrary, to my complete surprise Liam says to me, "Oh, alright. I guess we could just give it to Isaac (our 10 year old neighbor) . . . HE'S a big boy..." Well, since then I have basically had to confiscate every toy we have ever received at Burger King (why are they so horrendous for crying out loud . . . whatever happened to matchbox cars and pound puppies?!) So at any rate, my guilt got the best of me today because this child is so completely reasonable about it . . . I ended up taking him to our neighborhood toy store for him to pick out something that I felt WAS appropriate. $30 later . . . this is what we ended up with!! MUCH sweeter than extraterrestrial Autobots and evil Depticons (or whatever....)

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