Liam and I headed into the city to visit the California Academy of Sciences on Friday. Full of stimulation and so much to learn. We went into the gift store at the end at which point Liam hit me up for something to take home. I have been saying "NO" to this request so often lately that I thought I might actually change my tune for once. I told him if we found something that he really liked, that he didn't already have, and that was nice, then we could take it home. We found this great metal space shuttle and in the end, was so worth the giving in as it opened up all kinds of conversation about the space shuttle, the launch, how it lands, where it goes, etc. etc. We even watched a launch on Youtube. There's just something about the way three year olds clutch toys like this in their hands for the first few hours of owning it, like it's their best friend. On the car ride home, he fell asleep clinging ever so tightly to it.
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