Sunday, August 28, 2011
Day 239
Lovely sunset-ish session at Baylands Nature Preserve with this super sweet family in celebration of Baby S's first birthday.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Day 235, 236, 237
Beware: a ton of Liam images to follow. We have been spending an inordinate amount of time together lately as the summer travels have ceased, summer camp at his school is closed, and we are phasing out the nap. On one hand, it's lovely, on the other, it basically means I have time for almost nothing else. Liam has never really been one to entertain himself for long periods of time . . . or without giving me a guilt trip first. Somewhat of a drag considering I have a TON of other things to do. But for the remainder of this week and up until next Wednesday we shall continue to smittenly scoff at responsibility, commitment, and my dirty kitchen and enjoy what's left of this classically fantastic summer. We have spent lazy days at the lake, hiked the trails, caught minnows, eaten grilled hot dogs, spent countless hours on the swings, and hung with our best local buds, the twins, at least twice a week (their mommy is as excited about school starting as I!!) All ingredients for what summer really should taste like. He makes me feel like a kid again. What a gift.
Mini Swedish Viking blazing the trails:
I don't know where this fall color came from, but it was fantastic.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day 234
What can I say, I like black and white pet photos. There's just something about the way their svelte bodies catch the light.
Day 233
I occasionally watch the neighbor's sweet pooch, Buddy, for the weekend. I feed her and let her out and such. This weekend I was going hiking with an old friend I hadn't seen in forever so I asked my neighbors if I could just take the pooch along. It was a lovely day chatting nonstop with my girl, hiking up and down along a beautiful trail to the beach for lunch, and enjoying a little doggy companionship. Buddy was quite the canine trooper . . . literally. After the hike, Buddy and I went through the carwash as a thoughtful gesture toward my husband as I borrowed his car. This was her reaction. I was slightly worried because Liam is completely traumatized by the carwash and I thought, "What am I going to do with a spooked doggy, locked in a C30?!" But she was only slightly worried . . . alert and inquisitive mostly.
Day 232
It was a bit of a rough morning, after Liam's 11pm bedtime the night before, but after a 4 hour nap (eek), Liam was back to his cheerful, sweet self.
Day 231
We finally made it to Friday night, which meant time for the circus!! It was a great show . . . I don't really even remember going as a child and Liam was on the edge of his seat the entire time . . . even WAY past his bedtime (show ended at 10pm). He says he liked the flying man on fire the most. What 3 yr. old wouldn't?! As for Mommy and Daddy, we agree that watching Liam's reactions was the best part.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Day 229
We are Circus bound!! I was getting gas the other day and there were coupons for an upcoming Ringling Bros. Circus near us. I mentioned it to Keegan that night and within 5 minutes, we had tickets for opening night!! We are so excited. We have been chatting it up with Liam for a week now and tonight on the front lawn he was showing me HIS circus tricks. He is indeed quite the clown.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day 227
This photograph is significant because I took a photo of the genesis of these beautiful pole, tender, and dwarf beans back in May, What a crop! I have planted tomatoes, green peppers, parsley, and strawberries, in my backyard and these are BY FAR the most beautiful and healthy of them all! The best part is that Liam will eat them straight off the plant. If I bother cooking them, he has no interest. This one's for you Es, my dear fan :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Day 226
How much do I love my child (as if it wasn't already obvious)?! Let me count thy ways. This evening, Keegan and I were having one of those pedestrian yet heated spouse confrontations that went something like, "I just picked up groceries, now I'm cooking dinner, the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, the sink is full of dirty dishes, the washing machine is full of wet clothes, the dryer is full of dry clothes, and there is a laundry basket on the floor full of dirty clothes . . . can I puulllleassse get a little help here?!" This is when my little cherub's sweet voice cut through the tension like a superhero, "I can help you Mommy." Ok buddy (wipe tear away), here's a stool and a sink full of soapy water. Have at it. He did every single dirty dish all the while singing "Scrub a dub dub, scrub a dub dub," over and over. As if that wasn't enough for him to win the Three Year Old of the Year Award, when he was finished he says so pleadingly, "What ELSE can I help you out with Mommy?!" Good man. Good man.
Day 225
Family photoshoot in Piedmont Park this morning. Instantly, this little one was after my heart when she came toddling toward me with her well loved "Mi Mi" in tow. I have a soft spot in MY heart for loveys as many of you know given our permanent household resident of three years now, Liam's "Ni Ni." The cutest part was how her big-tough-guy-on-the-outside-but-super-soft-on-the-inside Dad carried it around in his back pocket for the rest of the 1.5 hour shoot. The other cutest part was how her mom told me the only way they can get their sweetie pie to wear a barrette in her hair is if "Mi Mi" wears one too. Hence the purple barrette in the foreground :) Genius.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Day 222
Often I catch moments with Liam that are just so quintessentially "3." This image was one of those moments for me. I don't know why, but there is just something so magical about this age. Old enough to do so many things by himself, but still little enough to fit all snuggly in my lap. Old enough to blow us away with the things that come out of his mouth sometimes, but little enough to still look cute dragging his lovey blankie all around the house. Old enough to read pretty involved storybooks, but little enough to wear these ridiculously adorable jammies. I just want to eat him up when he gets his jammies on. Hands down, one of my top 3 moments of our daily routine is when he plops down in my lap WITH these delicious jammies on to read books.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Day 221
We live about 3 1/2 blocks from the main street of our town. For years, I have crossed the intersection of Central Avenue and San Pablo Avenue and grimaced at the many weird, irrelevant, unsuccessful businesses to move in and then quickly move out of the corner building there. It occurred to me at some point what a freaking fantastically perfect spot it would be for a little microbrewery. We enjoy the California microbreweries immensely and have taken full advantage of living so close to so many of them out here, but definitely our town is missing the kind of hang out vibe that a microbrewery can create. Numerous times I tried to drag Keegan into my vision of opening up a brewery on the corner with his buddies. A pipe dream of course, but a fun one for sure. Alas, my dreams have come true. The brewery, owned of course by someone else (which means we get to enjoy it without the work . . . even better), is slated to open on September 1st. We can WALK there!!! We are waiting with bated breath. In the meantime, a good friend of mine and fellow artist, hooked up a connection for me with the Head Brewmaster and co-owner who is looking for rotating local artists to hang their work in his space. I am up first! There is a huge long wall downstairs with 6 spotlights and I am currently trying to figure out what to hang. We talked about some more pieces upstairs, possibly sport themed for the gameroom nature of the space. I went out this evening up to the High School Football field to try to accomplish just that . . . you know . . . Friday Night Lights kind of thing. At any rate, cheers. Come on over to the East Bay and join me at Elevation 66 Brewing Company next month!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Day 220
Days like today, I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband who works his tail off so Liam and I can spend these few precious years together based at home, snuggling in bed in the morning, staying in our jammies as long as we want, lounging at the park on beautiful days, and just enjoying each other's company.
Day 217
Liam and I headed into the city to visit the California Academy of Sciences on Friday. Full of stimulation and so much to learn. We went into the gift store at the end at which point Liam hit me up for something to take home. I have been saying "NO" to this request so often lately that I thought I might actually change my tune for once. I told him if we found something that he really liked, that he didn't already have, and that was nice, then we could take it home. We found this great metal space shuttle and in the end, was so worth the giving in as it opened up all kinds of conversation about the space shuttle, the launch, how it lands, where it goes, etc. etc. We even watched a launch on Youtube. There's just something about the way three year olds clutch toys like this in their hands for the first few hours of owning it, like it's their best friend. On the car ride home, he fell asleep clinging ever so tightly to it.
Day 216
Look at that form! Now if we could just get him to put some pants on . . . golfer pants preferably for this image.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Day 215
I adore photos like this. Just a pure, simple, fantastic moment I don't ever want to forget. How innocent and sweet he looks at age 3. How he loves to run around with little clothing on. How he sits like a big boy at the dining table. How he eats spaghetti, without allowing me to cut it up for him. How big his brown eyes are. 3 is such a great age.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Day 214
Photo walk round the hood. Living in the San Francisco area is so great for photography. Right around 630 pm, the sun starts making its way down, but the clouds and fog roll in making a great diffuse light quality.
Day 213
Hung some work up at the Kensington Library at the top of the hill this evening. Found this on my drive home.
Days 203-211
This summer has been crazy for us in terms of traveling. I literally have been jet lagged for a month. We spent the last week back East on the Isle of Palms with my parents and my little niece and nephew. The kids had a blast and it was nice to get a little sun! Then we headed up to the lovely town of Holland, Michigan for one of Keegan's oldest friend's wedding. Disclaimer: the pictures of Liam sleeping were taken during long days of traveling alone with him on a plane with my phone and I had no energy to lug the Canon out.
Literally, on the terminal floor. Probably my husband would not allow this, but when I travel alone with him, I go with a nap-anywhere-child policy.

My niece and nephew.
Fit in a little mini session, per my sister in law's request. If they tell you I used potty humor to get them to giggle, I will deny it.
Of course he picks the 25 minute flight to sleep on, rather than the 2 hour flight....
Chillin in the hotel in Holland.
Just as dapper as can be in his wedding outfit.
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