For the past 2 1/2 years, Liam has had an intense aversion to swings . . . he wouldn't even LOOK in their direction. Right around the time he turned 3 (3 months ago), he started to take notice of them again, catching their eye, albeit briefly, from across a crowded playground. "Do you want to go on the swing, Liam?" I asked gently and encouragingly, and to which he replied quickly and definitively, "No!" The window slammed shut, and his attention returned to sand and slides. Recently, he's mustered up enough courage to SIT on the swing, and at sparse interludes, allow me to push him . . . but "NOT TOO FAST!!" On Saturday, we hiked through the woods while Liam had a little off road experience with his bike, to this cool park nestled in the redwoods. I'm not sure how it happened because Liam and Keegan pretty much dusted me and my torn ACL, but when I finally caught up to them, Keegan was pushing Liam on the swing. For the next hour, Liam would not STOP swinging, asking to go higher, faster, to be pushed again and again. That Daddy influence is just oh so powerful.
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