Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 46

Couldn't leave without a little mini session with the sisters. Literally the sweetest little girls I know. Little E. is the best big sister a girl could have really. Even at 2, she wears her huge heart on her sleeve, and this is the affection that just comes naturally from her . . . we really didn't have to prompt her at all. She dotes on Baby A. constantly and Baby A. just soaks it all in. This morning Liam was looking at this picture and he says, "What they doing mommy?" and I say, "E. is giving Baby A. a kiss," and Liam replies, "Oh.....THAT is why Baby A. is smiling mommy." Exactly buddy. Exactly. Love you girls. Thanks for a great visit. Can't wait to do it again in the summer!

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